How To Get A BIS Registration Certificate For Electronics & IT Products?

Importers or brokers are not allowed because all Manufacturing Units, including those that produce electronics and IT products, must have a BIS registration certificate in their own names. Because of this, all importers and traders are required to register online for their specific manufacturing unit with bis before placing an order for a scheduled electronic item. When there is no change in product standardization, it helps manage the BIS process on behalf of the industrial unit. Additionally, after registration, it can be renewed every two years. If you want to file BIS certification compliance, the importer must submit a Bill of Entry along with the commercial invoice and packing list. Therefore, if you are genuinely interested in learning the fundamental steps involved for bis registration online you've come to the proper place because we'll outline them all here.

Procedure for Online BIS registration

  1. Application submission: Form V for the online bis registration application must be submitted by the product's maker, along with the necessary paperwork and costs.
  2. Product testing: After submitting an online application for BIS registration, the BIS officials will gather samples of the items, test them, and acquire an independent testing report.
  3. Initial factory assessment: After conducting an initial factory assessment, BIS inspectors will provide a certificate of registration for a bis registration online application within 30 days if they are pleased with the test report.
  4. Self-evaluation reports: In order to get a bis registration online certificate, a product maker must submit self-evaluation & test reports of product samples obtained from BIS-approved labs.
  5. Obtain BIS certification: After submitting an online application for BIS registration, if all tests and reports are accepted by the BIS officer, a BIS certificate will be granted within 4-6 months.

Difference between Scheme-IV and Scheme-I of BIS certification

Scheme-I (ISI Mark Scheme)

  1. It has the ISI-BIS-Certification name.
  2. Online BIS registration also involves factory inspection.
  3. It covers goods made, imported, and sold in the Indian market such as electronic and IT goods.
  4. It can only be obtained in the name of production units; importers or traders are not permitted to obtain it.
  5. The preliminary factory appraisal, product testing, and factory verification are the three processes in the BIS registration online process.

Scheme-IV (Conformity Assessment Scheme)

  1. It is known as a Product Certification Scheme.
  2. For BIS registration online, it excludes factory inspection.
  3. Only specific types of products can be imported into India using this method.
  4. Only a limited number of things can be imported into India without it being necessary.
  5. There are only 2 steps in the bis registration online process, which are the product test and factory verification.
Read Also This - Do you require a BIS registration certificate for imported products


We hope that our blog post has allayed your concerns about obtaining a BIS registration online certificate. If you still have questions, however, about the BIS registration procedure, you can get in touch with a legalraaasta professional advisor who can give you assurance and detailed instructions so that you can obtain a BIS certificate of guarantee for your products. Therefore, don't wait any longer and give us a call to acquire your BIS registration online as soon as possible.


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